Custom Veneer Stone Work

We can help you design the project for looks, practicality and cost effectiveness.
Call us today to come out and plan your stone project with you.
We have lots of little secrets to make your manufactured stone look the most realistic.

Browse our Photo Gallery to get ideas of what you like then follow our guide below.

This should help you select your stone in a simple and organized manner.

  • Choose stone style.
  • Browse stone companies for style and colors.
  • Choose stone company, style and color.
  • Choose mortar or mortarless grout joints.
  • Choose mortar color.

Choosing Stone Style:
Your choices in stone styles are the following:

  • Drystack Stone sections stacked and butted together, no mortar joints.
  • Weather Ledge Large and small rectangular stone with more squared off edges than ledge stone, can be stacked with or without mortar. Usually no mortar.
  • Ledge Stone Large and small irregular stone. Can be stacked with or without mortar. Usually no mortar.
  • Field Stone Large and small flat faced stone replicating stone turned up in fields. Mortar in between.
  • River Rock Round stones replicating those found along a river bank. Mortar in between.
  • Cut Limestone Larger rectangle stone resembling cut stone found on churches and foundations. Mortar in between.
  • Castle Stone Larger square and rectangular stone resembling stone found on a castle. Usually no mortar in between.

Browse Stone Companies for Style and Color:
We generally use three stone companies:

  • Eldorado Stone
  • Dutch Quality Stone
  • Boral Stone

Choose Mortar or no Mortar:

  • Field stone, Cut Limestone, and River Rock are generally done with mortar joints.
  • Drystack and Castle Stone don’t have mortar joints
  • Weather Ledge and Ledge stone can have either no mortar or mortar between them. We prefer not using mortar.

Choose Mortar Color:
Generally we use “normal” grey mortar between the stone. With some of the field stone and cut limestone we like to tint the mortar.
As a note we don’t like to use black mortar joints outside as they fade to grey anyway. Dark browns often turn out too red.
We have a buff color we like.